

March 03, 2021

We find ourselves bored most of the time and most times we have nothing to do. During periods like this, we should find something productive to do rather than seat lazy. With some countries still in lockdown and the second wave of the coronavirus rampaging everywhere we can't help but find ourselves indoors most of the time.

With this in mind, I created 50 productive things to do when you’re bored.

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1. Redecorate your room. Try popular and trendy designs to give your bedroom a new look, or you could just rearrange the layout of things.

2. Declutter your phone. Go through your phone and delete unwanted pictures, contacts, and music to free up space.

3. Create a new music playlist. You can create a playlist for every mood, workout playlist and also a study playlist and share it on your Instagram.

4. Bake a cake. There a lot of food bloggers out there where you can get simple recipes for cakes. You can also check Pinterest to get really cute cake inspirations.

5.  Learn a new skill. Have you ever thought of sewing, knitting or even making hair? This is the perfect time to do that. There are a lot of free videos on youtube on how to do this and I feel like everyone is sewing these days, maybe it is a trendy thing but you should also hop on the wagon.

6. Take online classes. You can use online platforms like Udemy, Skillshare, and Allison to take online classes.

7. Learn a new language. Duolingo is a free platform great for learning a new language. The mobile app is extremely friendly and nice to use. 

8. Organize your photos. You can use this time to organize your photos according to events and trips. You can even use this time to manifest let's say a place you would love to visit again since travelling seems like years to come.

9. Organize your space. Boredom is the perfect time for you to organize your space and place everything where it is meant to be.

10. Read motivational books. There are a lot of self-help books written by great people, you can use this time to actually read one.

11. Go through your emails. Delete old emails from your phone and reply to the unanswered ones.

12. Learn about your finances. Learn when to make financial decisions.

13. Start a YouTube channel. Youtube is one of the most profitable business to start. You can also start for fun and vlog about anything that interests you.

14. Start a blog. Here is how

15. Workout. Check YouTube for free workout videos to do at home. Working out is essential honestly. You need to move your body. My favourite fitness YouTubers are Chloe Ting and Lily Sabri you should totally check their channel out and subscribe😚.

16. Start a bullet journal.

17. Clean your car. A boring afternoon is a perfect time to deep clean your car.

18. Listen to a podcast. This is something I recently started and I love it.

19. Look at Pinterest for new inspirations.

20. Create a vision board.

21. Draw or paint.

22. Create a bucket list. This is even the most perfect thing to do now, considering lockdown. Make a huge list of all the things you miss doing and start checking them off your list.

23. Try a new recipe. Check youtube or food blogs to get new recipes and cook something new. Pinterest is also a great place to get free recipes and easy meal ideas.

24. Organize your closet. Most times by the end of the week our closets are usually untidy, why don’t you use this free time to organize your closet and sort out clothes you no longer wear.

25. Catch up with a friend.

26. Try out new music.

27. Try a TikTok challenge. There is a lot of viral TikTok challenges, pick one and do something fun.

28. Plan and organize your Instagram feed and content.

29. Work on your goals.

30. Create short or long-term goals.

31. Take an online quiz.

32. Do your laundry.

33. Improve on yourself.

34. Try out a new skincare routine.

35. Sell your old clothes for money.

36. Create a wish list.

37. Try out a new hairstyle.

38. Plan your week.

39. Sort out your bills.

40. Watch an informative movie. There a lot of great movies now, pick one and enjoy yourself. PS if you need movie suggestions let me know in the comment section. 😇

41. Shop online. Retail therapy will forever be my virtual best friend. If you feel bored you can go to websites and check out cute outfits you found on Pinterest. Remember we are always trying to save money so choose what you need only.

42. Watch funny videos on YouTube.

43. Read articles from your favourite blog. If you feel bored you can read our blog posts, we encourage it in fact. 😊

44. Meditate. There are great meditation channels on youtube. Choose one and concentrate on your inner energy.

45. Do yoga. Youtube is a great place to find quality yoga videos. 

46. Take a walk.

47. Deep clean your space

48. Plan your next vacation. This seems somewhat realistic. Most of us haven't travelled in a year since the pandemic started, when you feel bored plan your next vacation.

49. Have a self-care day. Do something nice for yourself.

50. Build a puzzle.


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There you have it, 50 productive things to do when you’re bored. I hope you enjoyed this. Now you have 50 productive things to do when you get bored at home. Mention other activities you do when you are bored in the comment section.

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  1. This was truly helpful! Usually when I'm bored I just take a nap lol... Going to delete my old emails right now and maybe create a study playlist while at it��

    1. Yes you should Trey. I am glad you found this helpful.


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